Top ten undergrad moments I think all should experience.

Obviously there is so much more behind all of these mini blurbs but that is half the fun. So, here is my THANK YOU to the best three and a half years of my life.

  • Joining Delta Zeta and becoming a die hard DZ, recognizing who your real friends are, and realizing everyone is your sister. Finding friendship that last, even when you are in different parts of the world. Also, buying a cat and living with these crazy ladies who share your same love and aspirations to be a crazy cat lady.
  • Falling in love.
  • Falling out of love and becoming single again.
  •  Having four internships in three years of college. Getting a taste of the real world and becoming a professional that eventually changes the way you learn and organize your work. Gaining the opportunity to become a professional before becoming officially “college educated.”
  • Going home to my friends in Stark County, they always encouraged and pushed me to do BIG THINGS. Always doing things just like the “old days” but better because this time you are legal.
  • Studying abroad, I wish everyone in the world got the chance to experience and live in the world as it is while adapting and changing in every new environment. Meeting new people that become your close friends from all over the world. Pushing yourself to unbearable limits and growing from them.
  • Taking an alternative spring break on an Indian reservation. Playing with children who may never get out of their town. Staying on a Red Cross cot for a week with snakes in a log cabin YMCA. Seeing children grow to trust you and then have to leave them. However, you find who you will always donate to, knowing exactly where your money is going.
  • Spring breaking in Panama City with EIU friends and making new from all over the U.S. Driving an SUV with seven girls through the rolling hills of Alabama. Sleeping in sand and swim suits.
  • Staying up late and studying in order to go out the next day or staying up partying all night and waking up at 5 a.m. to finish a paper. Going out just to meet up with “that one guy,” staying in to have a wine night and whine about how hard school is.
  • Joining Student Government and eating dinner at President Perry’s house, getting to know city council on a first name bases, becoming student senator of the year. By joining Student Government I learned exactly what the students of my school felt and gained a passion for my alma-mater. GO BIG BLUE.